Bodhicitta  is the Method aspect of the path practicing the means to “cultivate love, compassion and the altruistic intention!”  The altruistic intention of Bodhicitta is the Supreme Resolve to gain full Enlightenment, realize our full Buddha potential and thereby be of ultimate benefit to all sentient beings. Love has been likened to a virtuous seed that grows a magnificent crop when watered by the life giving rain of compassion. Spontaneous love, wishing that all beings without exception be happy, and compassion, wishing that they not suffer, are at the heart of the path to realize our true potential. Like a parent whose only child has fallen into a river doesn’t just wish that he or she is rescued, but leaps in to save them, so too we can learn to cultivate such a proactive attitude to benefit others in all the activities we undertake. This naturally benefits all those with whom we come into contact and we benefit greatly as well. When we practice pure Bodhicitta we are then known as a Bodhisattva, who focuses on perfecting all virtuous qualities as exemplified by the Six Perfections.

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